Methacton School District reduces expected tax increase to 5.53 percent

Posted on June 2, 2010


The Methacton School Board was able to reduce the expected tax increase for 2010-11 from 6.4 percent to 5.53 by refinancing part of the Skyview Upper Elementary School construction debt. The board also decided to continue the Transitional-First Grade program after parents expressed concern over the loss of the program. If adopted, the school property tax millage will be 25.58, which amounts to an increase of $235.08 in the tax bill of the average home assessed at $176,235 in the district. The expected homestead/farmstead credit is $234.20 for those enrolled. The final budget is set for adoption at the June 22 meeting. The Methacton School District has also announced a public budget forum on June 4 at 11:00 a.m. to allow the community to discuss the proposed budget with the superintendent. Please visit the Methacton School District website for more information.